Rede Concepcionista de Ensino  - Colégio Imaculada Conceição - Passos-MG


Imaculada Conceição





8th grade of Elementary School and the great forts built in the past

The 8th grade elementary school students, during classes in the bilingual English program, embarked on a fascinating journey through the history of Brazil. By exploring the country's historical events, they had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the colonial era, when forts were built along the Brazilian coast to defend the territory from invasions and attacks.

In this context, the students dedicated themselves to a practical and enriching project: building models of historic forts that stood out in the defense of the Brazilian coast. Using cardboard and creativity, they recreated structures such as Forte de São Marcelo, in Bahia, and Forte dos Reis Magos, in Rio Grande do Norte, among others.

This project not only provided a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of these buildings, but also allowed students to improve their research, teamwork and communication skills in English.

The activity proved to be a valuable experience, showing how the integration of subjects can enrich the educational process and awaken students' greater interest in the country's history, while at the same time developing their linguistic skills in the English language.

Source: Prof. Larissa Pádua Pereira Silveira